Delivery speed and courier availability that is unrivaled.
With an average delivery time of 23 minutes, our courier services are 5 minutes faster than the competition! Our logistics management software optimizes routes and orders based on your geographic location, local traffic patterns, and the type of business you conduct. Our system then locates the closest driver with the lowest delivery cost, choosing from our internal fleet of drivers or from one of our partner networks like DoorDash or Uber.
This ensures you get the fastest delivery at the lowest cost. Give your customers a seamless, professional delivery experience by leveraging white-label courier services from DeliverLogic.
We handle customer issues and support for you.
Our support team is proactive and delivers first class customer service. From live chat and automated prompts, to SMS text messaging and live calls, our support is integrated with order management and delivery logistics so that you have real-time info on every courier delivery.
Our tools are also proactive and identify possible issues before they turn into bigger problems, so you can get out in front of things and keep your customers happy. And best of all, you can offload all aspects of customer support to our US-based team, freeing up your resources to focus on more important tasks.